Miguel hitting some lemons.
Photo by Meesh Deyden.

Loops is a music publication created and written by me, Miguel Otárola. I’ve published this in one way or another since 2017, when I was working at the Star Tribune in Minneapolis. It was a TinyLetter, a community radio show, a New York Times Magazine essay, and now, a Substack newsletter with almost 300 subscribers.

For more than six years, my aim has remained the same: To share great music with people who want a gentle nudge in a new direction:

Loops is like a weekly conversation with your most knowledgeable, enthusiastic music friend. Miguel goes spelunking in the less explored corners of the music landscape and always brings back something good, drawing parallels to the world around him along the way. Every week I learn something, and add another song to my queue. — Reis, Los Angeles

I do this through a combination of lists and guides, essays, artist interviews, DJ mixes and more than a few oddball posts. If you subscribe, you’ll get all my posts directly to your inbox the moment they’re published.

You can also find Loops on Instagram, TikTok and Twitter.

Want to write for Loops? Send a message to liveloveloops@gmail.com.

I started out doing music writing alongside Miguel over a decade ago and I've loved watching his writing and passion for music not only remain unextinguished, but grow in direct opposition to the way culture tells us to stop consuming new art once we hit 25. — Connor, Philadelphia

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Artist interviews, DJ mixes, reviews and other dispatches from Colorado. By writer and reporter Miguel Otárola.


Award-winning writer and multimedia journalist on print, radio and the Internet. Bilingüe.